Kumar Sankaran
Kumar Sankaran is the Chief Executive Office of Leucine Rich Bio Private Limited and the Designated Partner in Gene Express LLP. He is a business leader with a professional experience of 15+ years in Healthcare Research and Delivery. In his current role he is spearheading the growth and innovation in the Microbiome domain for the Asian market. He is passionate about driving the paradigm shift from “sick care” to “health care”.
Prabhath K M
Prabhath has the complete understanding of the research and development life cycle of Pharma and Life Sciences industries from the past 15 years of experience. Before founding Leucine Rich Bio, Prabhath was heading a team of molecular biologists in a drug discovery organisation. During that, the team has built a computational model to capture molecular mechanisms of diseases, to discover biomarkers and therapeutic strategies for metabolic disorders. Presently, Prabhath is a cofounder and Chief Product Officer at Leucine Rich Bio Pvt Ltd. He takes care of the new product development, product design, vision and mission of the products developed at Leucine Rich Bio.
Dr.Debojyoti Dhar
Director, Business Development & Innovation
Dr. Debojyoti Dhar, PhD (Indian Institute of Science, IISc) has over 10 years experience in academic and industry 'research and development' (R&D) activities along with strong multi domain knowledge in pharma and biotechnology industries. He has worked extensively on translational control of gene regulation during his PhD (Indian Institute of Science, IISc) and post doctoral research (UMass Medical School, USA). Dr. Dhar has also worked on diabetes and metabolic syndrome at Connexios Life sciences, a drug discovery company based in India.

Dr. Taraprasad Das, MD, FRCS, DSc, FAMS
Scientific Advisor, Leucine Rich Bio Pvt Ltd
Dr Das is currently Vice Chairman (Emeritus) of the L V Prasad Eye Institute, India; Professor of Ophthalmology, Sun Yet-Sen University, Guangzhou, China; Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, NY, USA; and Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology, University of South Carlina, USA. He is Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, NAMS India, and Fellow of Academy of Asia-Pacific Professors in Ophthalmology, AAPPO.